Every single non-Japanese person I have met who has traveled to Japan, knitters
and non-knitters alike, has told me that Japan is a must-see. That there are
things that you will see in
Hanna Lisa Haferkamp is a mega-inspiring creative entrepreneur of many talents.
Not only does she offer business coaching services
[https://www.hannalisahaferkamp.com/] for knitwear designers and other fiber
artists, she also co-owns
I seem to have fallen into somewhat of a slump with my regular blog post
writing. There’s a lot of things I could blame this on:
* The beautiful weather we’ve been
Abbye Dahl of Abbye Knits [https://www.abbyedahl.ca/patterns] is an incredibly
talented knitwear designer who combines her passion of photography with her love
of knitting in her richly coloured photos. She