I guess I’m a bit behind the times on this one, but Spring is officially here!
I’m celebrating it now, because, coincidentally, I happened to be flying to the
Arctic region
Remember how in my last Fiber Artist
[http://www.woolyventures.com/8-fiber-artists-inspire-learn-new-skill/] post I
said that there was simply so many inspiring fiber artists out there that I
couldn’t simply fit them
Traditional handiwork skills such as weaving, embroidery, knitting and crochet
are making a comeback. It’s not hard to understand why. The more our hands are
confined to the movements of swiping or
On moving and minimalism
This past week, I moved to a more “permanent” location. A place where I can
finally unpack my yarn stash as well as the rest of my belongings.
As you may have noticed from my more recent posthere
[http://www.woolyventures.com/knitting-political-act/], and my guest blogger,
the Rock Vandal [http://www.rockvandals.com]‘s posthere